Submission Process
We are currently closed for submissions for our eighth volume. Our staff reviews submissions on a rolling basis. The Streetcar is open to submissions from all Mississippi State undergraduate and graduate students. We review all creative work, written or visual.
Written Works:
The maximum amount of written submissions a student may submit at one time is five poems and two longer works (short stories, creative nonfiction, essays, scripts, etc.) For other written work feel free to send it along, and we will consider it.
Formatting of Written Works:
Submit files as MS Word Documents.
For poetry, use single spaced, 11 pt. font (Arial or Times New Roman)
For prose, use single-spaced, 11 pt. font (Arial or Times New Roman)
Though we do not have maximum word-count, we encourage you to keep short stories below 3,000 - 4,000 words.
Include piece title in filename (e.g. Poem1.docx)
Visual Arts:
The maximum amount of visual submissions of a single category a student may submit at one time is five pieces. For example, you may submit 5 photos, 5 drawings, and 5 graphic design pieces at one time, although you will need to fill out the submission form once for each category (three times total). However, you may not submit 10 photos and 5 graphic design pieces at one time.
Visual arts include photography, paintings, sketches, sculptures, and digital media. All creative work is highly encouraged; if you feel it is creative and new, submit it, and we will consider it.
Graphic Design:
Submitted images will be evaluated as they are submitted, whether as photographed or as the original design file.
Formatting of Visual Arts:
Submit images in highest possible quality, preferably scanned.
Include piece title in filename (e.g. Drawing1.jpg)
Things to Note:
Do not include your name on any of the submissions. The only place your name needs to appear is in the appropriate blanks on the online submission form.
All submissions remain anonymous to the staff during the selection process. If you would like for your work to appear anonymously in the printed journal, please indicate this on the application form.
During evaluations, the submissions editor may share your “Statement about Work” with the staff if they request it.
You still need to include your name and NetID on the form for verification purposes.
Read and accept the Release Waiver before submitting.
If you try to submit and receive the message, “You can't respond to Submissions Form Vol. 8. Uploading files is not permitted when data loss prevention is enabled for your domain,” log into Google with a non-MSU e-mail.
If you have any other problems with the submission process, please e-mail!
Our deadline for vol. 8 submissions is at 5:00 PM (CST) December 2, 2019. Any submissions received after this date will be considered for acceptance in the ninth volume of our journal.
What next?
After submitting, you should hear back from an Outreach Team member within two to three weeks about the status of your submissions. After you get an email about the status of your submissions, you may send along more work! If your work was
accepted, it will appear in the journal! However, editors will have the liberty to edit for punctuation/grammar or ask for a higher quality scan/photo of artwork.
waitlisted, staff will decide on the final acceptance/denial into the journal at the end of the submission cycle after evaluating all other submissions.
asked to be revised, you will receive revision suggestions from staff and may re-submit the piece to be evaluated once more. If you choose not to re-submit, this piece will automatically be rejected.
rejected, your piece will not appear in the journal. However, we welcome any future work and strongly invite you to submit more work.
Look to the Graphic at the top of the page for more help!
If you submit your work to us during the summer months, we will not be able to get back to you until the fall when our staff returns to campus.